Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pipistrellus nathusii (pipistrelle bat)

Source: www.naturfoto.cz

Mus musculus (mouse)

Source: www.uniprot.org

Bandicota sp. (mole rat , bandicoot)

Source: www.mammalwatching.com

Ptyas mucosus (Indian rat-snake , dhaman)

Source: www.houstonherp.com

Varanus bengalensis (yellow monitor)

Source: www.sevcikphoto.com

Mabuya sp. (common Indian skink , golden lizard)

Axolotl larva (larval stage of Ambystoma sp.)

Tylototriton sp. (Darjeeling salamander)

Hyla sp. (flying frog)

Dermophis sp. (caecilian)

Monopterus cuchia

Exocoetus sp. (flying fish)

Himantura sp. (sting ray)

Myxine glutinosa (hag fish)

Petromyzon sp. (lamprey)

Branchiostoma sp. (amphioxus)

Branchiostoma sp. (amphioxus)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ascidia sp.

Balanoglossus sp. (tongue worm)

Sketch of Antedon sp.

Antedon rosacea (sea lily)

Echinus esculentus (sea urchin)

Cucumaria sp. (sea cucumber)

Polistes gallicus

Eumenes sp. (potter wasp)

Bombus sp. (bumble bee)

Forficula sp. (earwig)

Aphis sp. (aphid / plant lice)

Sketch of Belostoma sp.

Mantis sp. (praying mantis)

Belostoma sp. (water scorpion)

Schmidtiana gertrudis (cerambycid beetle / long horned beetle)

Palamnaeus sp. (scorpion)

Ocypode sp. (ghost crab)

Daphnia sp. (water flea)

Sepia sp. (cuttle fish)

Octopus sp. (devil fish)

Bellamya sp.

Lymnaea sp.

Nereis sp.

Ascaris sp.

Fasciola sp. (liver fluke)

Sketch of Taenia sp.

Taenia sp.

Sketch of Obelia colony

Colony of Obelia sp.

Jelly fish (Aurelia sp.)

Sketch of Asterias sp.